Aug . 6 . 2023


During my time in high school, I struggled with lack of self-confidence. I found myself constantly comparing myself to others, and when things didn’t go well, I often blamed myself for it.

This was when I started suffering with self-criticism and developed negative beliefs such as:

 “I don’t deserve this”.

“I am a failure”.

“He/She is better than me”.

These beliefs were constantly echoing in my mind, as if someone kept whispering them to me. All of these inner voices gradually filtered into negative feelings which were ingrained in my subconscious mind and it began to affect my thoughts and behaviors without my awareness.

As my subconscious was being constantly fed on negative feelings, it was programmed into seeing everything as negative.

I hope that you find great value in the lessons i have learned from life and generously share with you. Incorporating small habits can have a very big impact in our life and by incorporating them into our daily routine, we can notice positive changes in our productivity, focus, mood, personal well-being and thus, we are able to manage our emotions better and create meaningful relationships with others.

1-Don’t Ignore Your Negative Feelings

If you are capable of reflecting on your negative feelings, you will be able to handle negative issues more effectively in the future. Don’t be afraid of facing your negative emotions, as those emotions are part of you, they wish to be heard and recognised as well.

It’s crucial to confront and understand the reasons behind all your negative emotions.

2- Be Open Minded

Most people make bad decisions due to them being certain that they are right or regard opposing views as a threat to their independent thinking and decision making ability.

Be open to receiving opposing views or different perspectives when making decisions or communicating with others. Look at things more objectively instead of feeling attacked.

3- Victim Mindset

I used to have a victim mindset where I tend to blame everything else except for myself and I realised that’s not going to solve my problem, it felt more like I was just running away from the issue. This approach can be harmful to emotional intelligence.

You can shift away from a victim mindset by identifying and accepting the victim mindset that exists within you.

Take responsibility for your emotions, reactions, and life experiences. Understand that you have the power to choose how you respond to challenges and setbacks, rather than being a passive victim of circumstances.

4- Stop Comparing Yourself With Others

Learn to understand that everyone comes from different backgrounds/circumstances and no one is perfect. Embracing this understanding allows us to redirect our efforts toward self-improvement and self-compassion.

Constant comparison frequently results in emotions of inadequacy, self-doubt, and diminished sense of self-worth.

As long as you focus on your personal goals or anything that you want to achieve in life, life will give you what you want if you just keep on working towards it.

When you stop comparing yourself to others, you free yourself from the pressures of unrealistic standards.

5- Stop Self-Criticism

Have you been hearing that inner voice of yours throwing harsh words at you? One way that I’ve learned how to handle this is to acknowledge it.

When self-criticism hits, instead of ignoring it, respond to it in this manner: “Yes I’ve heard you, but mistakes have been made and I just have to learn from it and move on.”

6- Don’t be Too Hard On Yourself

Sometimes life can throw unexpected obstacles at you and you might experience emotional outbreaks. Tell yourself that it’s okay that things happened sometimes and it is usually out of your control.

Recognize that everyone makes mistakes and experiences failures, and that these moments do not define your worth or competence.

Practice self-acceptance by embracing your imperfections and embracing the learning opportunities they present.

7-  Transforming Overwhelming Emotions To Motivation.

It takes a change in perspective and deliberate measures to turn overwhelming feelings into motivations. By reframing the way you perceive and respond to your emotions, you can harness their power to propel yourself forward. For instance, when faced with fear, you can reframe it as a sign of progress and utilize it as motivation to push yourself beyond of your comfort zones rather than allowing it to immobilize you. You can view fear as an opportunity for personal development and embrace it as a catalyst for taking risks. By adopting a proactive and empowering mindset towards emotions, you can transform even the most overwhelming ones into sources of motivation and valuable insights.

Apr . 20 . 2023

Descubra as melhores estratégias para ganhar dinheiro na internet

Você já pensou em ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023? Com o avanço da tecnologia, diversas possibilidades surgiram para quem deseja ter uma renda extra ou até mesmo transformar a internet em sua fonte principal de sustento. Neste post, vamos apresentar 10 ideias criativas para você começar a lucrar online. Desde vender produtos pela internet até oferecer serviços de consultoria e criação de conteúdo, passando por programas de recompensas e cashback, criação de conteúdo no YouTube, investimento em criptomoedas e muito mais. Então, prepare-se para descobrir as melhores estratégias para ganhar dinheiro na internet!


A internet oferece inúmeras oportunidades para ganhar dinheiro online, mas é importante escolher uma estratégia que se adapte às suas habilidades e interesses. Algumas das melhores estratégias incluem marketing de afiliados, comércio eletrônico e criação de conteúdo. No entanto, alcançar sucesso financeiro online exige tempo, esforço, disciplina e dedicação. É fundamental investir nesses empreendimentos online para obter resultados positivos. Descubra aqui as melhores estratégias para ganhar dinheiro na internet e comece a trabalhar em direção ao seu sucesso financeiro online hoje mesmo!

10 ideias criativas para ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023

Existem diversas maneiras de ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023. Uma opção é a venda de produtos digitais, como e-books, cursos online e webinars. Outra ideia é criar um blog ou canal no YouTube e monetizá-lo com publicidade ou parcerias com marcas. Também é possível participar de programas de afiliados e promover produtos de terceiros, vender produtos físicos por meio de uma loja virtual própria ou em marketplaces, oferecer serviços como freelancer em plataformas especializadas, criar e vender aplicativos ou jogos para dispositivos móveis, realizar consultorias e treinamentos online em sua área de expertise, investir em criptomoedas ou ações na bolsa de valores, ou comprar e revender domínios e sites já estabelecidos com potencial para gerar lucro. São muitas opções criativas que podem ajudar você a ganhar dinheiro na internet.

1. Venda produtos pela internet: Loja virtual e marketplaces

Uma das melhores ideias para ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023 é através da venda de produtos online. Existem duas principais opções: criar uma loja virtual para vender seus próprios produtos ou utilizar marketplaces como a Amazon e Mercado Livre para vender produtos de outras marcas. É importante escolher um nicho de mercado específico para se destacar entre a concorrência e ter uma estratégia de marketing digital eficaz para atrair mais clientes. Vender produtos pela internet pode ser uma excelente fonte de renda, desde que seja feito com planejamento e dedicação.

2. Marketing de afiliados: Como ganhar dinheiro promovendo produtos de terceiros

Uma das ideias criativas para ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023 é através do marketing de afiliados. Esta é uma das maneiras mais populares de se ganhar dinheiro online, onde os afiliados promovem produtos de terceiros em troca de comissões sobre as vendas realizadas. Para ter sucesso nesta estratégia, é importante escolher produtos relacionados ao nicho do afiliado e que possuam boa reputação no mercado. Existem diversas plataformas de programas de afiliados disponíveis, como Hotmart, Eduzz e Monetizze. Além disso, para atrair potenciais compradores e obter melhores resultados, é fundamental criar conteúdo relevante e persuasivo.

3. Ofereça serviços de consultoria e criação de conteúdo: redação, design gráfico, traduções, edição de vídeo

Se você está procurando maneiras criativas de ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023, oferecer serviços de consultoria e criação de conteúdo pode ser uma ótima opção. Habilidades como redação, design gráfico, traduções e edição de vídeo estão em alta demanda na web e podem gerar uma boa renda.

Para começar, é importante ter um portfólio online para mostrar suas habilidades aos potenciais clientes. Usar plataformas online para freelancers como Upwork ou Fiverr também pode ajudar a encontrar trabalho rapidamente.

Encontrar um nicho específico para oferecer seus serviços pode ajudá-lo a se destacar no mercado competitivo da internet. Além disso, oferecer serviços de qualidade e estabelecer uma boa reputação pode levar a clientes recorrentes e recomendações positivas. Com essas dicas em mente, você está pronto para começar a ganhar dinheiro oferecendo seus serviços na internet.

4. Programas de recompensas e cashback: Ganhe dinheiro ao fazer compras online

Uma das ideias criativas para ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023 é por meio de programas de recompensas e cashback. Esses programas são uma ótima maneira de ganhar dinheiro enquanto faz compras online. Eles oferecem recompensas em dinheiro ou pontos que podem ser trocados por dinheiro posteriormente.

Esses programas estão disponíveis em muitos sites de compras online, mas também existem sites especializados em oferecer cashback para compras em diversas lojas. É importante comparar as taxas e os benefícios oferecidos pelos diferentes programas antes de escolher o melhor para suas necessidades. Dessa forma, você pode obter os melhores benefícios ao fazer suas compras na internet e ganhar um dinheiro extra ao mesmo tempo.

5. Crie conteúdo no YouTube e ganhe dinheiro com anúncios e parcerias

Se você está procurando maneiras criativas de ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023, criar conteúdo no YouTube pode ser uma ótima opção. O YouTube é uma plataforma popular para criar e compartilhar conteúdo em vídeo, e os criadores podem ganhar dinheiro com anúncios exibidos em seus vídeos e parcerias com marcas.

Para ter sucesso no YouTube, é importante criar conteúdo interessante e relevante para o seu público-alvo. Além disso, promover ativamente seus vídeos nas redes sociais e outras plataformas online também é fundamental. É importante ficar atualizado com as tendências do mercado de conteúdo em vídeo e ajustar sua estratégia de acordo. Com essas dicas em mente, você pode começar a criar conteúdo no YouTube e ganhar dinheiro com seu canal.

6. Venda fotos e vídeos em bancos de imagens

Uma das ideias criativas para ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023 é vender fotos e vídeos em bancos de imagens. Essas plataformas são uma ótima oportunidade para fotógrafos e videomakers comercializarem seu conteúdo. É possível se cadastrar gratuitamente em plataformas como Shutterstock, Getty Images, iStock e Adobe Stock e começar a enviar suas fotos e vídeos para venda.

É importante seguir as diretrizes da plataforma e garantir que as imagens sejam de alta qualidade, pois isso aumenta as chances de venda. Os bancos de imagens costumam pagar uma porcentagem do valor da venda, que pode variar conforme o tipo de licença adquirida pelo comprador. Essa é uma opção ideal para quem deseja monetizar seu talento na produção de conteúdo visual.

7. Invista em criptomoedas e ganhe dinheiro com a valorização

Investir em criptomoedas pode ser uma maneira lucrativa de ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023. As criptomoedas são moedas digitais que podem ser compradas e vendidas em plataformas de negociação online. A valorização das criptomoedas pode proporcionar grandes retornos financeiros, mas também apresenta riscos. É importante fazer pesquisas e entender bem o mercado antes de investir em criptomoedas. Existem diferentes tipos de criptomoedas, cada uma com seus próprios prós e contras, por isso é importante escolher aquela que melhor se adapta ao seu perfil de investidor. Embora a negociação com criptomoedas possa ser arriscada, seguir algumas estratégias como diversificar os investimentos e acompanhar de perto as tendências do mercado pode ajudar a minimizar o risco e aumentar as chances de sucesso.

8. Faça apostas esportivas online

Uma das 10 ideias criativas para ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023 é fazer apostas esportivas online. Embora possa ser uma forma lucrativa de ganhar dinheiro, é importante pesquisar e entender as regras e regulamentos antes de começar a apostar. Existem diversos sites confiáveis que oferecem opções de apostas em diferentes esportes e eventos.

No entanto, é crucial definir um orçamento e gerenciar cuidadosamente os riscos envolvidos nas apostas esportivas. Além disso, as apostas esportivas online são mais adequadas para aqueles com conhecimento prévio sobre o esporte ou evento em questão. Com essas precauções em mente, as apostas esportivas podem ser uma maneira emocionante e potencialmente rentável de ganhar dinheiro na internet.

9. Tarefas freelancers em sites como Upwork, Workana e Freelancer

Se você está procurando maneiras criativas de ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023, uma opção é se cadastrar em sites como Upwork, Workana e Freelancer. Essas plataformas permitem que freelancers se conectem a clientes em potencial e oferecem uma ampla variedade de trabalhos, desde tarefas menores até projetos mais complexos. Redação, tradução, design gráfico e programação são apenas algumas das áreas em que os freelancers podem atuar. É possível definir suas próprias taxas, seja por hora ou por projeto, dependendo do tipo de trabalho realizado. Para ter sucesso nessas plataformas, é importante criar um perfil forte que o destaque da concorrência e atraia clientes em potencial.

10. Abra seu próprio curso online e tenha uma renda extra ou torne-se um afiliado em plataformas como Hotmart ou Udemy.

Pretendes ganhar dinheiro na Internet em 2023? Considera abrir o teu próprio curso online ou tornar-te afiliado em plataformas como o Hotmart ou o Udemy. Estas são apenas ideias criativas para ganhar dinheiro na Internet que podes explorar. Seja para ganhar um rendimento extra ou iniciar um negócio a tempo inteiro, existem muitas oportunidades disponíveis online. Então, por que não aproveitar e ganhar dinheiro na Internet?


Ganhar dinheiro na internet é uma possibilidade viável para quem quer ter uma renda extra ou até mesmo torná-la a principal fonte de renda. Existem diversas opções, desde vender produtos e serviços por meio de lojas virtuais e marketplaces até investir em criptomoedas e apostas esportivas online. Além disso, o conteúdo pode ser uma ótima estratégia, seja através do YouTube ou da criação de cursos online. Independentemente da escolha, é importante se dedicar e buscar conhecimento sobre as áreas escolhidas para ter sucesso. Quer saber mais sobre essas ideias criativas para ganhar dinheiro na internet em 2023? Visite agora nosso link !

Jan . 24 . 2022

Scientific Evidence Reveals “Fountain of Youth” Formula


Jan . 23 . 2022

4 Plants for Your Prostate Health + Substitutes for Picky Eaters

When I was a little boy, I’d get up maybe 3 times a night out of boredom, hunger, or bathroom trips. When I had my first kid, I was up throughout the night doing diaper changes and cuddles.
And now that I am nearing 60, I am waking up throughout the night to go to the bathroom.

It’s just a reality for most men my age. A friend of mine in healthcare put it like this: as we age, everything in our body relaxes. And when something relaxes, it doesn’t necessarily mean things get easier! It’s kinda funny when you think about it. Aging is a terrible thing.

Getting older affects every part of us, and the prostate is no exception. At this stage, I am ready to make a few lifestyle changes to support my prostate and general wellbeing. I wish I had got into nutrition a little earlier.

A big change I decided to make was taking VitaPost Prostate Plus. This product has a wide range of plants, vegetables, and botanical extracts in the formula. I love that it is a very comprehensive blend, compared to other product I looked at that focused solely on green tea extract or saw palmetto.

Another good change I made was including many prostate-friendly plants in my diet. Take a look at some of the best options below, as well as substitutes for picky eaters. Many of these foods are found in Prostate Plus, however, they are still great additions to any man’s diet.

Green tea

If green tea is your cup of tea, I have some great news for you.
This tea is considered one of the top drinks for prostate health. Green tea is widely known for its antioxidant properties through micronutrients known as green tea polyphenols.
If you choose to drink green tea, seek out brands that are caffeine-free.


Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K. Tomatoes are considered a superfood because of how nutrient-dense they are. These fruit owe their delicious red hue to a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Many studies have shown lycopene can support prostate health


A number of studies have shown that eating mushrooms can contribute to general health and prostate health. At least some of the magic of the mushrooms seems to stem from their high levels of ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant. Ergothioneine is diet-derived and has shown potential for the support of a range of body systems. Shiitake and king oyster mushrooms have some of the highest concentrations of

Mushrooms are relatively inexpensive and fairly flavorless. If you can get past the dreaded mushroom texture, then it is worth considering adding a few servings of mushrooms to your meal plan.

Sesame & Pumpkin Seeds

Sesame and pumpkin seeds are easy to add to many meals. They also are a source of zinc. There are so many benefits to having a zinc-rich diet. Zinc is a nutrient that is found throughout your body, one that helps support your immune system, metabolism, and wound healing.

A healthy prostate depends on the availability of a relatively large amount of zinc in order to produce high levels of citrate – a major component of prostatic fluid. Healthy levels of zinc are more commonly associated with a healthy prostate. Zinc is also known as the ‘gatekeeper of the immune system’ for its

So, What is Prostate Plus?
VitaPost Prostate Plus is a product offering natural prostate care. This product claims to support a healthy prostate, support healthy urinary flow, and support urinary health.

For More information about this innovative system visit this site

Jan . 22 . 2022

Enhancing Female Orgasms Naturally

When it comes to sex, it seems that women often get the short of end of the stick as men’s pleasure and sexual satisfaction is often pushed to the forefront. For years, men have been searching for new and improved ways to achieve a better sex life and a number of men’s sexual health products have become mainstream and more than acceptable within society.

Don’t you think it’s about time that women received the same treatment and were offered solutions for naturally enhancing female orgasms? Viagra, Cialis, Vigrx Plus and other men’s sexual health products are widely available in stores, online, and in bedrooms around the world so why shouldn’t women have the opportunity to enjoy sex and all of the pleasure that comes with it? 

That is precisely the methodology behind the creation of HerSolution natural libido enhancer pills. The creators of this revolutionary product realized that it was time about time that women were given the power that men have seemed to have for so long and put their sexual satisfaction to the forefront.

Whether you are dissatisfied based on the fact that sex simply isn’t as enjoyable as it used to be, or because stress and a busy lifestyle leave you with no time to think about sex, HerSolution was designed for you. The natural pill can allow you to take charge of your life, enjoy the pleasures of sex again, and put that spark back into your relationship. You have been putting your needs behind others for a long time, and now it is time to grab control and truly enjoy sex.

It is commonplace for women to enjoy sex less and less as life takes its toll and the hours in the day seem shorter and shorter. Not only does it feel like there is no time for sex, but all of the stress can lead to overall dissatisfaction and weaker orgasms. That is why HerSolution has been created to not only improve sexual desire but to also strengthen orgasms on the whole.

Imagine being able to have better sex more often all thanks to one simple, natural, and affordable product? That is precisely what women all over the world have discovered thanks to HerSolution natural female libido enhancer.

Sure you may be wondering what others would think if they knew you were utilizing such a product, but it is time for women all over the world to shun that attitude. You work hard all day every day, and now you deserve a truly beneficial reward.  Take charge of your sex life and give yourself the pleasure that you deserve. Sex doesn’t have to be a chore and it shouldn’t have to take a back seat in your life.

Feel better and love better with HerSolution natural female libido enhancer today. Stop sitting on the sidelines as other couples have great sex, and put true pleasure at the top of your to do list. 

For more information, go to

Jan . 22 . 2022

What Causes Unhealthy Sperm And/Or A Lack Of Sperm?


It has been found that men can be the cause of up to 40% of infertility cases. This is very interesting as in the past the focus was all directed towards the female when it came to the issue of conceiving. Now we know that both partners could be contributing factors.
Unhealthy sperm doesn’t just affect fertility. Unhealthy sperm can be a sign of hormone imbalances, damaged testicles, blockages, illness, and different issues affecting a male’s reproductive organs. Sometimes this is just genetics, other times it could be due to a person’s lifestyle, and age. Some common reasons affecting a male’s sperm construction includes:
• Diabetes
• Hyperprolactinemia
• Thyroid conditions
• Klinefelter syndrome
• STI’s (gonorrhea, chlamydia)
• Varicocele
• Cryptorchidism
• And more.
While many of the above conditions can greatly affect a male’s sperm count. There are some other factors that might be affecting a male’s sperm motility. Issues with sperm motility could affect male fertility because a healthy sperm needs to be able to reach an egg in a quick, efficient manner. Some causes for bad sperm motility include:
• Blockages: Blocked testicle tubes won’t be effective for sperm transportation. Can be caused naturally or from a vasectomy.
• Cystic Fibrosis: Men with CF usually do not have sufficient testicle tubes to carry sperm. This can result in infertility in men.
• Erectile Dysfunction: While erectile dysfunction does not directly affect sperm count, it causes men to have issues with both having sex and producing ejaculates.
If you believe you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, or if you have a condition listed above it’s important to speak to your doctor about your fertility options. A doctor can help get you set up on a plan of different male fertility supplements and treatments to boost your sperm count and sperm motility

Oct . 29 . 2020

These 15 Religious Leaders Are Extremely Rich

Most people associate a religious leader with the image of a pious monk praying in his humble home. There are, however, various spiritual leaders with different beliefs, lifestyles, and income levels. You might not associate vast amounts of riches with religious leaders, but these ones are surely raking it in. So how much are the richest religious leaders worth?




Benny Hinn

Estimated net worth: $60 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Benny Hinn is another one of these televangelists. He’s got plenty of books, TV programs, a website chock-full of resources, and even an app. (Technology now aids in worship!) Benny Hinn, born in Israel, moved to Canada in 1968.

Billy Graham

Estimated net worth: $25 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
This evangelical leader’s website says he’s preached to “more people in live audiences than anyone else in history.” (We’re not sure who keeps track of this and if it’s verifiable.) Specifically, that’s 215 million people in more than 185 countries and territories.




Kirk Cameron

Estimated net worth: $20 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Kirk Cameron was first known to audiences as an actor on Growing Pains, Saving Christmas, Mercy Rule, Fireproof, and as cohost of The Way of the Master. He’s also worked on documentaries Unstoppable and Monumental. He says he wasn’t raised as a churchgoer.

T.D. Jakes

Estimated net worth: $18 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Bishop T.D. Jakes, who leads The Potter’s House Church, is also an accomplished author. He keeps reminding his parishioners of that, too. Jakes encourages his 30,000 members to purchase his books, as well as his daughter’s.

Ernest Angley

Estimated net worth: $15 million, says The Richest
Internationally known televangelist Ernest Angley is the pastor and founder of Grace Cathedral with locations in both Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, Ohio. Like a lot of individuals in the religious world, Angley’s storied career in preaching is rife with controversy.

Juanita Bynum

Estimated net worth: $10 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Many preachers on our list of insanely rich religious leaders can preach and write. But it’s unclear if they can sing like Juanita Bynum can. Bynum is known not only as a preacher and an author but also as a gospel singer.

Joyce Meyer

Estimated net worth: $8 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Joyce Meyer’s website says she has an honorary Ph.D. from Life Christian University, an honorary doctorate from Oral Roberts University, and an honorary degree from Grand Canyon University. (Wish I knew I could get honorary degrees before racking up student loans … )


Walter Mercado

Estimated net worth: $5 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
So he was more of a spiritual leader. However, Walter Mercado’s horoscope rundowns on TV would make households stop what they were doing and hang onto his every word. Christian Portilla writes in Remezcla that Mercado’s influence in Latinx communities was interesting.

John Hagee

Estimated net worth: $5 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
John Hagee isn’t the only Hagee involved in the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas — it’s a family affair. John is founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone, his son Matt partners with his dad in pastoring, and John’s wife Diana leads the women’s ministries.

Noel Jones

Estimated net worth: $5 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Born in Spanish Town, Jamaica, Noel Jones is a Pentecostal bishop with an estimated net worth of $5 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. He was one of seven children and relocated to Syracuse, New York, with some of his family in 1965.

Paula White-Cain

Estimated net worth: $5 million, says Celebrity Net Worth
Evangelist Paula White-Cain (probably better known as Paula White) is pastor of a nondenominational, multicultural megachurch by the name of New Destiny Christian Center (say that three times fast!) in Orlando, Florida. White-Cain is successful now but she had a tough upbringing.

Joseph Prince

Prince (we’re not talking about The Artist Formerly Known As Prince) is a founding member of the New Creation Church. He went from an “elder” and associate pastor to finally becoming senior pastor in 1990. That’s when the church started growing, says his bio.

Reinhard Bonnke

Estimated net worth: $4 million, according to Herald Weekly
An evangelical, Reinhard Bonnke is known for Great Gospel Crusades throughout Africa. According to Bonnke’s biography on his website, he heard “the call” at a young age and decided he wanted to go to Africa before becoming a teenager.


Apr . 22 . 2020

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Apr . 14 . 2020

1 Minute Weight Loss

Apr . 13 . 2020

weight loss

Mar . 22 . 2020

7 Simple Ways To Make someone Feel Extraordinary And Special

The fondness of feeling special is something that most (if not all) people share. It means being appreciated, loved and acknowledged. How can we make someone feel special? We have a 7 powerful suggestions:

Give all your Attention

Whether it’s a friend, partner, or family member, showing attention is very important. Stop what you’re doing and look directly into their eyes when they’re talking. Compliment them on their appearance, especially if it’s something others might not recognize .Take an interest in their hobbies and passions, and give them a chance to light up in sharing why they enjoy them. Let them know what you find interesting, rare, or admirable about them. Start a conversation with, “It’s really amazing how you…”  Say, “I want you to know you make difference in my life. Thank you for being you.”

 Identify their potentials

Tell them you believe they can achieve their dream—and why. Ask them questions to help them uncover how they can leverage their strengths to make a difference in the world. Encourage them to go for something they want but are scared to pursue. Comfort them after a failure or misstep and let them know it isn’t representative of who they are or what they’re capable of. Give them a hand-made card and write inside what you see in them.

Show your Generosity

Give your time to listen, to support, or to just enjoy each other’s company. Give compassion  when you’re tempted to judge, and let them know what you admire about the challenges they’ve overcome. Introduce them with a compliment  to someone they’d enjoy knowing. Instead of assuming they’ve done something thoughtful or insensitive, remember their goodness, and let them know. Give them your honest opinion and tell them anything but the truth. Give them the opportunity to shine in front of others when you’re tempted to dominate the conversation.

Show your Affection

Take the time to really appreciate those around you. This might be physically putting the time in to meet up with them regularly. It might be setting a reminder on your phone every week or so to call your parents. It might also mean being really patient when a loved one is going through a hard time ,even if this means sitting with them and letting them say the same thing over and over. Give them a hug when they’re feeling down, and hold it just a little longer than usual. Squeeze their hand when they’re anxious and offer to give a massage to someone you know would be comfortable receiving it. Actually kiss someone on the cheek instead of giving an air kiss. Sit comfortably close together to show you’re not avoiding physical connection at all costs.

Be Open And Honest

Share your feelings with them and let them know you value their guidance and support and let them know you’re not afraid to be vulnerable with them.Instead of censoring yourself to show them you’re comfortable enough to be authentic with them be honest

If they’re scarce share your resources, your spirituality with them, and invite them to join you in practicing yoga or going to church.

  Be Together And Do Together

Invite them to sit around with you, just to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Ask if you can help with something important they’re planning to do. Offer to stay with them when they’re sick, just in case they need anything. Ask them if they’d like to enjoy the outdoors with you, whether that means lying in the beach in the summer, or drinking hot chocolate near a snow-covered window in the winter. Offer to come over, while they’re home, so you can be an extra set of eyes to watch their kids.

Be Consistent

Anyone can make an effort for a few days or a couple of weeks. Try to keep your friendship or relationship as stable as possible. Being a good friend isn’t just about listening, although that is important it’s about being reliable. True love  means being consistent. Show your love to them by your strong presence in their life. So they Know that they can turn to you at literally any point

Mar . 19 . 2020

How to Make Money Online From Home Without Spending a Dime?

The Internet provides a wide range of earning opportunities for people around the world. Whether you are a 10 year old girl or a 70 year old man, you can easily find ways to earn money online from home. There are several opportunities to earn money in diverse fields, and one has to find the right way as per his education, experience, expertise, skill-set and interest.

But it’s not easy to find out perfect and genuine ways to make money online from a single Google search.That’s why beginner’s get into fake money making process and they got nothing exchange of their hard work. Luckily, there are so many proven ways to make money online which requires little or no investment at all.That means you can start making money without investing $0. Yes! it’s true.

But before I get started I want to tell you that every money making process needs your hard work, smart work, time, passion and ability.

Let’s start!


. Generate Quick Money Through Content Writing:

make money content

If you are a passionate writer and if you are good in English, especially in grammar then content writing is for you.

Article writing is time-consuming because it requires recharge and knowledge.

But the good thing is it doesn’t require any investment, to begin with, all you need to do is to write a few sample articles and send them to your potential prospects and start working.

You can try your luck by for site which pays you for writing. Just sign up and start writing and make money online without investment.

 . Make Money Online by Freelancing:


If you want to make money fast then freelancing is a good idea. Just create an account in Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, sell your skills and make money.

If you are a beginner I suggest you get started with Fiverr, because it’s beginner friendly and it has an easy sign-up process.

. Make Money Through YouTube:

youtube money

Same with blogging, but you need to create video content to make money with YouTube. Just create a YouTube account, make some videos and upload them on your YouTube channel. You can monetize your YouTube Video content with YouTube partner program which is same with Adsense, also you can monetize your YouTube content with Affiliate Marketing, Sponsorship etc.

. Become Virtual Assistant To Make Money:

virtual assistant

If you are good at managing, doing small and big tasks, social media, you can be a virtual assistant.

You can be hired by companies and individuals or you can start working as a freelancer.

. Make Money From Selling Courses Online:

selling courses

If you are really good at a particular field of knowledge or if you have a particular skill then you can sell your knowledge and skills in terms of course online.

You can use Udemy to upload and sell your course. There are so many courses selling website. You can use them instead of Udemy. You can use your own website to sell your course online.

. Sell E-books To Make Money Online:

selling ebooks

Same with selling the course. Instead of creating a course you can create e-books to sell online.

You can sell your e-books through your own website or Amazon. That’s it.

. Make Money Through Affiliate Marketing:

affiliate neww

Google “affiliate marketing” and get 41 million resources. Sell other peoples stuff online and get a commission.Its straight forward and easy to get started for little or no money. You need a website so go to Google and type in “free Website”.

You can join Amazon Affiliate to sell anything. Fairly every e-commerce website have their own affiliate program. Use social media, your blogs, your email list, YouTube etc to promote affiliate products.The potential for making money from affiliate marketing is huge. Do you know that Trivago designed their business using affiliate marketing?.

. Become a Social Media Influencer:

social influencer2

Influencer marketing is the future of digital marketing.

If you have a huge fan following on Social Media, especially on Instagram, YouTube etc. Then you can be a Social Media Influencer. You can join different influencer marketing agency to get sponsored, brand deals or you can directly approach different brand to get brand deals.



You won’t get rich chasing ‘work from home’ schemes, but you can earn a little bit of spending money by taking online surveys,

participating in market research surveys and panels.




It’s not possible to make money online in a scratch. It takes time, sometimes money, patient etc.The best way to accomplish this is to begin by setting goals. Start by developing a 90 day plan. Write down how much profit you plan to generate in 90 days. Next, work backwards and develop a checklist of all the task that you’ll need to execute in order to see this goal come to pass. This will be your strategy. Finally, break down these tasks into weekly and daily checklists. Additionally, you will need to have a plan in place to deal with distractions and interruptions when they come. This plan is absolutely crucial.

Aug . 29 . 2017

“The Answer to The Million Dollar Question.”


How to make lots of money online – find out what people want and then give

it to them! Sounds too simple? it is! This is why 90% of people fail to

make money fast online with because they fail to give people what they want.

How do you give people what they want? you have to find out what it

is that they want in the first place and that takes a little research.

Trust me, doing research before you jump into anything will ensure

that you turn your losing streak around and actually make money this

time, so it’s worth it. If you’re tempted to jump past this part and skip

it altogether, please don’t, this really is what makes or breaks your

sales everything you do right here at this moment.

Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to open up your files

where you keep your stash of resell rights products and you’re going

to pick a product from your massive collection.

Is there anything that stands out to you?

Is there any topic or field that you have some knowledge or an interest


You no doubt have some or even all of these in your resell rights

mother load collection that will be an easy way to make money online

Ultimately it is easier to write about what you know. If you feel a little

intimidated, please don’t be. You know more than you think you do.

We each have a wealth of knowledge to share that we’ve accumulated

from our own individual experiences throughout our lives.

Even if you have no prior knowledge on any of the topics in your

collection then seize this as a great opportunity to expand your

horizons and gain knowledge in a new field.

The next place we’re going to start after you pick a resell rights

product to promote is a little keyword research. We are, so to speak starting in reverse; we’re beginning at the end.

Before we begin to transform our resell product we need to know if

there will be a market waiting for us on the other side.

Too often you hear about people that have invested time and money

into a sure thing that barely even registered a blip on the radar.

Why?, because people simply weren’t interested in it. This is where

proper research will save you the time and agony of promoting

something that won’t sell no matter how much time and money you

pour into it. This is the mistake most inexperienced resellers make

and how the more savvy resellers are scooping up their sales because

they know exactly who their market is.

You’re going to start thinking like the other 10% of successful

resellers. From now on your customers will be lining up for your

products and you can start making money online all because you did your homework first.

Beginning with an end in mind, ask yourself this:

What is your niche?, is it golf, fishing, knitting, childcare, cooking,

weight loss, health and beauty, work from home, computers?, etc.

Who will want your product?, parents, the self employed, knitters,

marketers, stay at home parents, dieters?, etc.

How will they find your product? What kinds of words and phrases are

they searching on that will ultimately bring them to your product?

How many times are they searching for your product each month?

How much competition is there in your market?, for your product?

Is this niche profitable?

Who are your competitors?, can you do what they do better?

These are just some of the things that we need to be aware of before

we invest any time into re-creating our resell rights product, that way

you are increasing the likelihood your product will be successful than

to just hope for the best and that begins long before you re-write your

first word for your new resell rights product.

May . 23 . 2016

7 Powerful Ways to Get Clients to your Business

“How can I get more clients?”99% of people fail because they can’t land clients. I
don’t understand that, though. There is a NEVER-ending supply of clients out there. Why is it so hard to
get them? stop being lazy and work .I’m going to share with you 3 powerful ways to get more clients to your business


If you aren’t currently using social media for your own business as well as offering it as service to your
clients – start now! I have about 15,000 followers on Twitter. That’s a decent amount. For any one
single Tweet that I send out, I get 10-15 hits to my website within 30 seconds. It’s a very powerful tool
if you have a good amount of targeted followers.
Believe it or not, a lot of business owners are already on Twitter. The only
problem is that they don’t know how to use it or how to increase their following in
the area. You can land these clients as simple as contacting them on Twitter and
telling them how you’d love to give them some free advice on how to better use
Twitter to get more clients into their store and more hits to their website.

It’s important, though, that you have a decent following on your Twitter page first.
If you only have 10 followers, who is going to listen to you?

So build your following and then tell others how you can do the same. Maybe offer to send a couple of
Tweets about their business out from your own Twitter profile to show them the analytics and increased
traffic they get from those simple messages.

Same thing goes for Facebook. More and more business owners are getting involved with Facebook.
But, again, they don’t know what they are doing. Give them some free info or send them a free ebook
about building their fan base on Facebook and they will be eager to write you a check for more


This isn’t my favorite technique. But, in the beginning, it is a great way to start for those who are not yet

comfortable talking with business owners.

But there is a technique to direct mail that you should follow. You need to get the business owner to
open your letter which is the first hurdle. Then you need to get them interested and call you. There
have been a lot of techniques discussed on this forum about how to get your letter opened.

I’ve pretty much tried them all, but there is one that I have had a lot of success with. A few things I’ve
tried have included putting a red “Confidential” stamp on the envelope. This might entice someone to
see what’s inside. But I still didn’t get a lot of responses. I’ve also tried putting bulky items in the letter
which seemed to increase the open rate a little more.

But, hands down, the most success I have had with direct mail is using a Priority Mail envelope. It’s a big
cardboard envelope from the post office. Yes, it’s more expensive than a stamp. Right now here stamps
are 44 cents I believe. One of these envelopes costs about $4. But the call back rate that I received
drastically increased once I used these envelopes. People throw away envelopes all the time. I doubt
anybody throws away one of those big cardboard envelopes.

You may not be able to afford to send many of these in the beginning. But once you land a few clients,
invest some of your profits back into this method. Your letter will definitely stand out and be opened.

When it comes to the letter itself, do the same things I’ve already talked about. Keep it short and
simple. All you need to do is encourage them to give you a call. You will be much more successful if you
close the sale in person than through a letter.


Referrals. This is the ultimate goal. If you do a good job, your clients will refer business to you. That’s
the most important thing. Always follow through on your promises to your clients. Finish projects early,
never late. Go above and beyond and over-deliver on your proposal.

They will love you and will LOVE to tell their business owner friends about you. If you do a good job, this
is inevitable.
The key is that when you get referrals, show your appreciation. Pay a commission to the referrer. Or
take them out to dinner. Maybe give them a month’s service for free. If they feel appreciated, they will
want to keep sending you more business. Send them a thank you note too and a present on their
You can take it another step and create forms or business cards where people can put their names.
Hand them out to your friends and family and tell them that any business that comes in from their
referral, you will pay them 25%. People respond to incentives.

METHOD 4: Create partnership with NGOs

The more the public associates your brand with a worthy cause, the more your reputation will flourish.NGOs are often short on funding and open to mutually beneficial partnerships. By offering them products or services in exchange for positive publicity, you’ll build a respected brand image and. Host a fundraising event for an NGO and you could get your brand’s name on their staff’s shirts and caps, your logo on their marketing materials, etc.NGOs have high contact rates with the general public. They go place to place, person to person, focusing on attracting interest for their cause, so even volunteering at their events will increase your visibility. Plus, it’s incredibly gratifying as a business owner to help an organization make a difference, particularly if you’re passionate about their work.

METHOD 5:Organize Free public Events for community

There’s major power in numbers Pool your efforts with others local businesses.  You can  put on a free event for the public where you can promote your brand and meet  with the community — just focus less on product-pushing  more on making it a good time for all. Free public events sponsored by multiple companies expose you to different crowds

METHOD 6:Collaboration grows small businesses

You’ll garner far more revenue by teaming up than you will in your lone efforts, establishing personal and professional relationships that outlast your marketing campaigns.Collaboration among small businesses can lead to many benefits . On a daily basis, you can boost each other’s brands and gain referrals from businesses with clientele who trust and respect their recommendations. That’s a powerful tool in a community.

METHOD 7 :-Charitable giving and Donation to schools

Giving can be a challenge – especially when money is tight but you can end up getting back a lot more than you give when you donate valuable items, cold hard cash, or even your time to your favorite causes Approach schools in the area and offer them something their funding typically won´t cover. like discounted services for faculty and personnel or classroom donations. It’s a win-win for them, so they’ll rarely decline the offer. What’s in it for you? Schools encompass the entire community; students connect you to families and families connect you to neighborhoods. At the local level, this is even more effective than social media marketing.

May . 11 . 2016

11 Proven Methods to Sustaining a High Level Entrepreneurial Lifestyle

In addition to regular exercise, there are other healthy lifestyle choices that can increase your productivity for a better business along with boosting your resistance to stress

1. Believe: First, wrap your brain around the conviction that your health is your greatest asset, and you cannot compromise it. This is your daily

reminder and motivator to not only get started but to keep it going for the long haul.Make exercise a priority. A healthy body will help cultivate a healthy mind.

2-Strategize: Decide your strategy: How will you go about it? Who will you do it with (if anyone)? Frequency? Time of day? Tools and systems that you need? Start date? Rest dates? Rewards for accomplishing milestones? Keep track of your progress: how you feel, how you eat/sleep,how much you weigh, how much energy you have. Evaluate how things are going after 2-3 weeks.

3-Stay active during the workday: Humans weren’t created to sit motionless for hours in front of a digital screen. When we become

sedentary and inactive, problems start to occur. Sitting for long periods of time is linked to obesity, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure,

high blood sugar and excess body fat.

Try and take a physical break every hour for at least five minutes.

4-Make phone calls active time: Try to take phone calls standing up (oreven walking around). It’s a few extra minutes of physical activity and  it all counts. You can also have active meetings. Go for a walk with a colleague or make a date to play golf or some other fun activity.

5-Be aware of stress: Stress can be the gateway to a myriad of health issues and problems, including fatigue, depression, and anxiety. Failing

to manage this all-too-prevalent component of an entrepreneur’s life can lead to some devastating consequences.

6-Eat a healthy diet: Well-nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress, so be mindful of what you eat. Start your day right

with breakfast and keep your energy up and your mind clear with balanced, nutritious meals throughout the day.

7-Reduce caffeine and sugar: The temporary “highs” caffeine and sugar provide often end in with a crash in mood and energy. By reducing

the amount of coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and sugar snacks in your diet, you’ll feel more relaxed and you’ll sleep better. Also avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs: Self-medicating with alcohol or drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but the relief is only temporary.

8-Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep fuels your mind, as well as your body. Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you

to think irrationally.

9-Spend one hour outside daily: Force yourself to go outside and get some fresh air, vitamin D and exercise. Even a brisk short walk is

enough to recharge yourself.

10-Improve your posture: Acknowledge how you’re sitting this very second. Are both of your feet planted on the ground? Is your chest up

and shoulders back? When you correct your posture, you allow your spine to rise and your

chest to open, which eases tension and helps the breath flow more freely. The oxygen can now penetrate more deeply into your lungs.

As you begin to take these deeper breathes you activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which is lowering your stress hormone

levels, healing your brain, and stimulating recovery and digestion.

11-Limit “Time-suckers”: Set email answering and social media updates to certain times. You can get bogged down answering emails

or checking out stories on Facebook. Limiting time-suckers will allow you to get more done, which frees up time to exercise and eat healthier. This is time better spent.